Friday, August 22, 2008

Teammates forever!!

Well, it is a new year, and I 
am with kinda a new team.
(but I am still w/ DeAnna
and Cortni... just a few yards
Some have moved to new towns, 
new schools and some to new grades.

We are going to LOOP with 2nd,
so Cortni and DeAnna went to 2nd.
Rachel and Jeanne came to 3rd.
We will call the 2nd & 3rd grade 
team the "tweeners!"

But here is to past teammates!!
Here is the original team...
Baxter Sweethearts!!

Me and Elizabeth!!
Baxter and JAV!

At the WOW showcase!
JAV 3rd grade ROCKS!!

Teammates forever!!
at Kelly's going away
"moving to the Woodlands"
Ojeada's party!!

me, Barb and Cortni
(we are so scary!!)

Elizabeth and I coming back from 
a conference in Austin....
eekkkkk.... had to ride with
the law.... 
we ran out of gas on the hw!!

Christmas at Barb's!

I've taught the longest w/
Barb!!  She a 8th grade,
Walnut Grove Middle School
Science teacher now!!

You go Barb!! 


Anonymous said...

I love your blog Dana! My has time gone by. We are going to have a good year. I feel like we are even still on the same team!

Barb said...

Ok, so I'm slow at keeping up. You all should know me well enough now to know this. What a trip down memory lane! I sure did enjoy seeing this post, Dana. I miss all you you girls!