Wednesday, March 3, 2010

things I like (& love...)

I just love my friends! Can't put all their pictures here!... but I love their loyalty, their encouragement and their companionship! Old friends, anyway friends and new friends!
I love my job! Teaching Kindergarten is the best! Laughing, seeing that light go on... hearing them say, "I think I am terrific, do you Mrs. Vaughn?"
I love my school... "JAV is definitely the place to be!!"
I love hugs. Hugs from kids, hugs from friends and family, hugs from my kids and especially hugs from Alex.
I love to go places. I love to go places I've never been. I want to go to the Greek Islands!
I want to go back to places that are special to my heart... Machu Picchu, Haiti, New York.
I love to play games... words with friends, bejeweled, apples to apples and gin...
I love my dog. My most loyal friend that probably cherishes me the most, my puppy Oscar!
I love my family. My sisters, my neices and nephews. My mom and dad! aunts and uncles and cousins and in-laws... families are the best!

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my best friend, anyway friend and soul mate!!!

Love my daughter! Love her new hubby! I love to hang out and get to teach with my daughter. How lucky am I? I love Lindsey and Carr!

Love that Brady Vaughn... makes me laugh! He is a great son. He loves to the fullest!

I love my church, my friends from church, my small group and my God!
Our God is an awesome God!

I love my house. It is cozy, old, unique, quirky and "ours!"

I love to take baths... hot, hot baths and either read or watch tv.
I even like to fall asleep taking a good bath.

I especially love that God takes care of me. I love that he gives me hope & a future.
I like the verse he has for us... Jeremiah 29:11!

1 comment:

Andreia Rice said...

Thank you for finally posting a new blog!!! lol I was love knowing what's going on in your you need to get Lindsey back in the groove! Love ya!